Our Approaches
Our approach to our business – facility management services is very much centred on our customer’s needs. It is his requirement which is of significance to us and therefore we design our solution based on his requirement and perception for the appropriate price. Our leadership, ably led by a Mr. Anant Jadhav (Retired from the armed forces) believes in a flexible and focussed approach and we adapt to changing customer requirements. Our team takes clear ownership of service delivery, and aims to work closely with our clients to ensure the highest standards of satisfaction level. We meet our service requirements through directly employed and a suitably trained workforce. We recognise and understand that our people are our business and as such, place huge emphasis on the quality of manpower, their expertise and deliverable timelines. We belive in encouraging our employees to bring about a change in the system by challenging the processes and systems in force. The latter allows us to be innovative in our solution and design, ensuring that our customers receive the best. This is what leadership and management is all about in Versatile. Our strategy and approach is one.

Why Versatile Services
We understand the importance of a well-run facilities management program. Our little experience has shown that there is typically 10% to 15% (or greater) cost savings available in most businesses. These cost savings and be achieved through customer satisfaction and at the same time ensuring high standards of service and delivery timelines. We at Versatile Services endeavour to provide the best facilities in terms of technology and manpower by implementing cross- industry best practices and solutions, employing a highly trained and integrated work force, a process driven escalation matrix and most importantly, cultivating a sense of belongingness with our clients. We have the capabilities to provide trained technical manpower, and material services as also suitable manpower for soft services for both residential and commercial complexes and construction sites. We have the capability in facilitating fit out services and limited construction activity.
We follow the Safety as we know:- “SAFETY IS THE Control of Accidental Losses to People Process Equipment Materials Environment.”
We as a team insist on Identifying Hazards, Set Standards, Measuring progress, Evaluating results and Correcting wherever necessary.

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Hard Services
The Services offered by us are categorizes into Hard Services, Soft Services, Risk Management, Administrative Services and Security systems validation, Audit and Installation.
Soft Services
Cleaning Services: The level of cleaning services to be provided is to be of high order and should complement the infrastructure’s design and finishes. We invariably prepare a comprehensive cleaning schedule for what we manage showing items to be attended to daily, weekly, monthly, etc. ; all this is under proper supervision and control.